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HOW TO: Maintenance of your Wok Pan

HOW TO: Maintenance of your Wok Pan

A wok pan is an indispensable kitchen utensil when it comes to preparing delicious Asian dishes. To ensure that your wok pan remains in perfect condition and provides you with the best cooking results, it is important to follow some simple maintenance tips.

One of the most striking characteristics of a flavorful wok pan is its distinctive black color. However, you don't have to worry about the pan looking dirty because it is actually an advantage. It's a bit like a "dirty grill" that grills better too.

When it comes to cleaning, always use water and avoid using soap. Never use soap to clean your wok pan, as it can remove the natural patina and protective oil coating that develops over time and gives the pan its non-stick properties.

If your wok pan becomes rusty, give it a scrub with a steel sponge and then burn it off with oil before you start cooking in it again. This will remove the rust and restore the surface of the pan.

For regular daily cleaning, simply rinse your wok pan with water. Wipe it off with a paper towel or a soft cloth. Then pour a small amount of cooking oil on a paper towel or cloth and apply a thin layer inside the pan. You can also do it on the outside. This will help preserve the pan's non-stick properties and protect it from rust.

Remember to avoid using sharp utensils in your wok pan as they can scratch the surface. Instead, use wooden or bamboo utensils that are gentle on the pan's surface.

By following these simple maintenance steps, you can ensure that your wok pan remains in optimal condition and provides you with many years of joy in cooking delicious wok dishes.
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