Asian-Inspired Wok with Chicken and Fresh Vegetables
Serves 4.
Approximately 600g of chicken breast, sliced into strips and pre-cooked for about 5-10 minutes. 1 zucchini, cut into pieces. 2 bell peppers, cut into pieces. 3 carrots, cut into pieces. 1 leek, sliced into half rings. 1 large onion, roughly chopped. 2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped. Approximately 100ml of teriyaki sauce. Approximately 100ml of hoisin sauce.
Heat the wok and add a little oil. Sear the chicken breast until browned, then remove it from the pan. Gradually stir-fry the vegetables until they are tender. Add the chicken back into the wok. Pour in both sauces and heat through. Mix everything together well.
Cook rice.
Serve the dish hot on a plate.
Optional: Sprinkle some sesame seeds on top.
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